Cobots in the packaging industry

Packaging processes are an issue in almost every industry. With heavy products this can be taxing for employees and cobots can be used to relieve them. In addition, cobots always work very accurately and, thanks to the latest gripper technology, the chance of errors and damage is reduced to a minimum.

Collaborative robots for the packaging industry

Within the packaging industry, there is increasing demand for smaller series and more customization. Cobots can respond to this perfectly. Tasks that a cobot can perform are simple packing tasks, such as placing products in boxes. In addition, cobots are perfect for stacking boxes on pallets. Tasks within the packaging industry are often physically demanding and repetitive. By relieving employees of these, productivity increases and employees become happier in their jobs.

cobot packaging applications

Advantages of cobots in the packaging industry

In the packaging industry, cobots offer significant advantages by complementing human labor and increasing productivity and efficiency in production processes. By leveraging cobots, companies can speed up packaging operations, increase output, and maintain high-quality standards. Additionally, cobots can help improve worker safety by assuming hazardous and repetitive tasks, reducing the risk of injury and fatigue. Overall, cobots are a valuable tool in the packaging industry for enhancing speed, safety, and product quality while reducing operational costs.

Cobot applications for the packaging industry

  • Palletizing

    Palletizing can be simpler, faster and more efficiently with a cobot. By automating palletizing of your products, you lighten the work of your employees.

  • Pick-and-place

    Pick-and-place means little more than picking up and moving a product. Perfect for picking up products or small boxes and putting them in boxes.

  • Logistical automation

    Also referred to as 'Smart Warehousing'. Implementing Automated Guided Vehicles and Autonomous Mobile Robots to move materials or goods from A to B within a warehouse or production hall.

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quality testing and inspection with a cobot

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