The sensor fits exactly on the cobot and can be installed without any custom wiring. In addition, the signal emitted by the sensor is digital and is not affected by ambient noise. Perfect for an accurate force measurement on the process or part.
With the addition of the sensor to the robot cell, the robot can place more accurate parts and the robot becomes suitable for the assembly and manufacture of complex products. Product testing is also possible.
- Built for compatibility with the Universal Robots CB series
- Includes Force Copilot intuitive programming interface
- Adjustable tool weight based on the center of gravity of the tool
- Sensor value resetting the sensor value
- Manual guided robot movement by hand
- Precise positioning of objects
- Alignment
- Indexation
- Addition
- Complex routes
- Constant force and stiffness for each axis
- Enables accurate, repeatable and high-resolution measurements.
- Rigid metal composition ensures high accuracy