OnRobot Quick Changer

The OnRobot Quick Changer is the world’s easiest tool changer. It is not only designed for safe collaborative robot applications; it is also the smallest and lightest tool changer on the market.

  • Quick changer robot side
  • Quick changer tool side
  • Quick changer kit (robot + tool side)




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A perfect match for Universal Robots and other robots in the same class, as both input flange and output flange is fully compliant with the robot flange ISO standard.

Fit any end-of-arm tooling to your robot and enable any operator to change the end-of-arm tooling in a few seconds.

OnRobot is a supplier of various end-of-arm tooling (EoAT) for collaborative robots. With advanced grippers, sensors and other applications, they make collaborative and lightweight industrial robots more flexible, user-friendly, cost-efficient and accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises.


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  • Datasheet (Quickchanger_ENG.pdf)